At the bottom right of the picture are two boards. For what, you might ask? I've been meaning to make a front rack since the beginning of War Axe. It's not quite done, but it was time to get some urethane on the wood before they got dirty. Keep an eye out for Jeffrey B. carrying two six packs of bottles, a twelver of bottles or three 40 oz's (with bungees) around town with the finished product.

Like the rack, this tool has been in the works for a while. I had the moon-shaped piece cut out at work, and over a few lunch breaks and afterhours I was able to sneak in the necessary lathe work to finish it up. I am really pleased with the finished product and cant wait to try it out in the next few days.

Cyclocross season is here, or has been here for a month and a half. Unfortunately, I won't be participating this year, but I do plan on being out at the Lincoln Cross Weekend coming up in a few weeks. Word on the street is that Hooligan Hill will be the loudest it's been in 3 years, and you might even make a few bucks in singles at the top of the hill. While we're on the topic of cross, I'd like to remind everyone that War Axe has no less than four ways to keep your feet happy while you're suffering. Order online or stop by Monkey Wrench to pick yourself up some quality, made in the USA, wool socks!
Thanks for reading,
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