Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's Do Drinks

The folks at Crescent Moon have been incredibly flexible in allowing us to put a War Axe signature on the launch party. Part of that flexibility has included serving War Axe inspired drinks from a separate custom menu for the evening. In addition, they are allowing us provide free beer despite the fact that they serve beer themselves. We really couldn't ask for much more.

Here's a look at the War Axe Inspired Drinks:

Espresso Martini - Matching up nicely with our Espresso Martini Embrocation, this drink is a personal favorite. If you came to Skip's Fight Club inspired 40th birthday party, you saw him pulling shots and shaking things up on ice. Chocolate rimmed glass, espresso, vodka and Kahlua.

Tire Sealant - Save this one for dessert. Created over a Friday late lunch at the Moon, the richness of this drink makes a small serving go a very long way. Espresso and ice cream blended latte with peppermint schnapps. Clearly, not on your nutrition plan, so burn it off in the race on Sunday.

The Snob - A mocha with all the fun taken out of it. Three shots of espresso, steamed soy milk and half of the chocolate of a normal mocha. Espresso love with a hint of sweet.

Our friends at Modern Monks have also embraced the evening by providing a keg of Modern Monks Kolsch. A style native to Koln, Germany, our interpretation has a soft, clean palate that tastest slightly fruity with a touch of acidity. A freshly cooked white bread nose is noticeable.

Please come and enjoy yourselves Saturday night. Thank the people from Crescent Moon and Modern Monks. They've really embraced the event and we couldn't be more appreciative of their efforts.

Sam and Skip

Friday, September 23, 2011

War Axe Espresso Martini Embrocation

The first reaction to our embro is likely as good as it will get:

"Get down here and rub some on me!"

Did this happen? I don't embrocate and tell. Sorry...

Those of us in the business like to call this "Cool as Hell."

You know that pleasantly warm feeling you get with a good cocktail? Let your legs imbibe as well. Medium warmth, sophisticated aroma, Cross and class.

You'll find this at the War Axe Launch Party and I suspect I'll have some in the War Wagon during Omaha CX weekend.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Teaser Tuesday

...a prerequisite to Thirsty Thursday, you just gotta ride the hump to get there.

Specs:  420 Axle to Crown, 47mm offset

Friday, September 02, 2011

Here's to Two Months of Pain

I love cross.  I've never made a real effort to be good at it, but I have always loved it.  I won't be good this year either, but I plan to do what amounts to a full Nebraska schedule, with a bit of Jingle Cross Rock tossed in at the end.  (Single Speedo Race? Not bloody likely.)

Here is a quick rundown of how that looks on paper:


     Saturday, the 1st.  Omaha CX, Bellevue.
     Sunday, the 2nd. Omaha CX, Bellevue.
     Wednesday, the 5th.  Flatwater Cycling Series. Lincoln.  VanDorn Park.
     Wednesday, the 12th.  Flatwater Cycling Series.  Lincoln.
     Wednesday, the 19th.  Flatwater Cycling Series.  Lincoln (Note the Wednesday Night trend)
     Saturday, the 22nd.  Norfolk CX
     Sunday, the 23rd.  Norfolk CX


     Friday, the 18th.  Lincoln CX
     Saturday, the 19th.  Lincoln CX
     Sunday, the 20th, Nebraska State Championship.  Lincoln.
     Friday, the 25th.  Jingle Cross Rock.  Iowa City.
     Saturday, the 26th.  Jingle Cross Rock.  Iowa City.
     Sunday, the 27th.  Jingle Cross Rock.  Iowa City.  Single Speedo Day

Lastly, I'll leave you with this clip that Sam showed me once.  The clip has stuck with me ever since.  Not only does Sven kill it with the ditch hop, but watch the riders kick it in after the 180 turn.  Mad skills.